Data & AI Inception Workshop
Data & AI Inception Workshop provides your Data & AI projects to reach targeted success!
VNGRS' Data & AI Inception Workshop is designed to review a company's current situations from a Data & AI point of view, collaborating with company stakeholders to determine the analytical cases that will contribute most to the company. The Inception Workshop creates a roadmap by prioritizing these cases chosen together. After prioritization, VNGRS provides technology selection and clarification consultancy to prepare the Data & AI processes for implementation.
1. Data-Oriented Business Strategy
Companies face three main problems when implementing their Data and AI projects and initiatives. VNGRS' Data & AI Inception Workshop is aimed at helping you start a project with the right technical and commercial strategy.

Holistic Approach Deficit
- Not leveraging data to shape corporate strategy
- Not having a data-based culture
- Not building a strategy by considering data

Biased Decision Making
- Not leveraging data to shape corporate strategy
- Not having a data-based culture
- Not building a strategy by considering data

Prioritizing the Wrong Use Cases
- Not leveraging data to shape corporate strategy
- Not having a data-based culture
- Not building a strategy by considering data
2. Right Planning & Roadmap
There are six crucial phases to every successful Data & AI project. The first two phases are the most important ones, as they lay out the foundation of the project and ensure that it is born with a detailed plan that will lead it to success. The Data & AI Inception Workshop can help by creating a roadmap to guide you to take all the right actions throughout the initial and further phases.
6 Phases of Data Journey for a Successful Use Case
Awareness & Initiation Phase
- Explore the data environment
- Determine the business strategy by considering data
- Create data initiatives with aligned stakeholders
- Establish a Data & AI culture

Ideation Phase
- Generate use cases according to business needs
- Prioritize the use cases
- Assess & select a use case
- Assess the business value & the data
- Deep dive into the selected use case
Infrastructure Phase
- Assess the existing technology stack
- Update the data infrastructure
- Create the data lake/warehouse
- Implement the data model

Visualization Phase
- Visualize the company’s data
- Achieve self-service data reachability

Business Result Evaluation Phase
- Set up monitoring and alarm mechanisms
- Take action based on results
---- FEATURES ----
Data & AI Inception Workshop

Review & Reassess Data-driven Business Strategy
VNGRS reviews your business strategies & culture and provides new improvement suggestions with a data-driven perspective. VNGRS helps you create a data-driven business strategy with complete alignment.

Use Case Generation
In line with business strategy and needs, we determine analytical & machine-learning use-cases that will enable you to differentiate in the market and achieve your goals.

Review & Reassess Data-driven Business Strategy
VNGRS reviews your business strategies & culture and provides new improvement suggestions with a data-driven perspective. VNGRS helps you create a data-driven business strategy with complete alignment.

Assessment & Use Case Selection
VNGRS evaluates use cases according to an evaluation template. VNGRS and Customer work together to determine the most important use-cases.

Data Assessment
VNGRS measures your company’s data in terms of size, quality, value, and processing competence and presents you with a summary of the situation.

Business Value Assessment
The business value is determined in detail for each selected use case. For each use case, value cards are created and presented visually.

Roadmap & Prioritization Outcomes
VNGRS determines time schedules for the selected use cases and prepares a roadmap according to these schedules.

Infrastructure & Technology Phase
The infrastructure phase consists of technology & platform selection and process clarification of selected use cases.

All companies that have data or willing to collect data

Want to make a difference in the market

Want to determine data driven strategy and use case

Want to reduce costs and increase revenue by improving their efficiency

Data & AI Inception Workshop
Begin Your Journey
Data & AI Inception Workshop provides awareness of your company's data strategy, value, quality, and competence. Moreover, this workshop determines the use-cases and roadmap that will make your company stand out from the competition. Contact us via the link below to create value from data.