Huawei Cloud
Infrastructure Partner

VNGRS Cloud is ready to help you build, innovate, and scale with Huawei Cloud Platform.


Think cloud native,
act cloud native

Infrasturcture as a Service

Expand global data centers and networks, and leverage cloud-network collaboration to connect people, things, and applications. Provide seamless experience on one global network, enable efficient distribution and processing of information streams, and deliver cloud services quickly to where they are needed.

Technology as a Service

Translate Huawei's over three decades of tech prowess in ICT into services on Huawei Cloud for easy usage by enterprises so they can focus on their own innovation without reinventing the wheel.

Expertise as a Service

Build an ecosystem that is created, shared, and benefited by all. Distill the experience and practices of Huawei Cloud, partners, and developers in digitalization into digital assets on the cloud, helping customers fully embrace digital transformation.

Depend on Huawei's
global network

Huawei Cloud offers services from 33 public cloud regions with 96 availability zones. Each Huawei Cloud region offers a consistent set of more than 100 cloud services designed to run any application, faster and more securely, for less.


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